

Selected publications and articles:

The Boston Globe
A hot pink cloud on the horizon, Christopher Muther, May 5, 2011

The Architect’s Newspaper
Floating Ideas for Boston’s Waterfront, Gwen Webber, April 27, 2011

Rachely Rotem and Phu Hoang win the SHIFTboston BARGE Design Competition, April 2, 2011

Design Boom
rachely rotem studio + phu hoang office: lighter than air for SHIFTboston barge 2011 design competition

Lighter than Air by Rachely Rotem Studio and Phu Hoang Office, March 30, 2011

AOL News
Need More Air? Artificial Trees to Convert CO2 to O2, Lee Speigel, March 16, 2011

Dig Boston
SHIFTboston: Building the Future, Mike Roberts, February 4, 2011

Imagine a moon base in 2069, Thomas Patterson, November 18, 2010

Scientific American
Architects Vie to Design the City of the Future–On the Moon, Cynthia Graber, November 4, 2010

Massive Lunar Solar Power Tower Beams Energy to Earth, Timon Singh, October 26, 2010

Boston Globe
Living space, June Wulff, October 21, 2010
Designers Dream Up Underground Arts Space, Alyssa Giacobbe, April 1, 2010

Boston Herald
“Designs on future”, Paul Restuccia, January 18, 2010

STUFF Magazine
Moon Ball at BCA Cyclorama, Scott Kearnan, October 18, 2010
Daily Stuff: SHIFTboston’s contest winner dreams up a subway theater, February 1, 2010
Get Cultured “In Deep SHIFT,” Scott Kearnan, January 12, 2010 – January 25, 2010

The Phoenix
Fly Me to the Moon Ball, October 18 2010

World Architecture News
Boston’s Future Cityscape: SHIFTboston calls on architects for their wildest visions, February 2, 2010

Architectural Record
March 2010

Architecture Boston
Spring 2010/Water Issue

ART Das Kunstmagazin
Mutter Erde Lacht, Till Briegleb, December 12, 2010 (in German)

Design New England Magazine
“Fantasy Places: Imagination compete to create the ultimate in public spaces and assure a city that cutting-edge design is in its future”, Regina Cole March/April 2010

Esplanade Magazine
January/February 2010
March/April 2010