
The Garden Lab

(The following text was written by Brant Gallery and was edited by Zenovia Toloudi)

Join us for the opening reception of the GARDEN LAB! Thursday, January 26, from 6:30 – 7:30pm. Meet the Artists-in-Residence (Caitlin Berrigan, Andi Sutton, and Zenovia Toloudi) and learn about their projects.

“When I go into the garden with a spade, and dig a bed, I feel such an exhilaration and health that I discover that I have been defrauding myself all this time in letting others do for me what I should have done with my own hands.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Garden Lab, an experimental project for the 2012 spring semester in the Brant Gallery. The aim for this initiative is to create a garden space and platform where all students and the community-at-large can engage in an open conversation about art, design, food, community, and the environment. The project examines these topics and concerns in experimental and investigative ways, while proposing creative and sustainable solutions and possibilities.

This initiative is not only to enrich students’ learning experience, but also to facilitate a collaborative milieu of growth and creativity. Through workshops, visiting artist projects, lectures and events students will be introduced to a variety of interdisciplinary practices to broaden the learning, making and understanding of art and design. Students will have an opportunity to participate in how-to grow, consume and forage for food in an enjoyable and sustainable practice. Through sharing and gardening, we hope to inspire students to play an active role as “citizen artists”.

This project is supported in part by Sustainable MassArt: Art and Design at the Intersection of the Environment, Social Justice, and Health, and the Studio Foundation Sustainability Committee. It is directed by Jonathan Santos and Evelyn Rydz.

Many Thanks to: Paul Dobbs, Rachel Resnik, Yamilah A Kenny, Christian H Restrepo, Scarlett Hoey, Lisa Tung, Darci Hanna, Gamalia Pharms, Kyle Brock, David Tames, Jamieson Wicks, Howie Larosee and Jane Marsching

Garden Lab: January 18 – May 7, 2012
Brant Gallery: South Hall, 3rd floor
Hours: Monday- Friday: 9:00 AM -6:30 PM
Contact: brantgallery@massart.edu
Online Resource: MassArt Library + Garden Lab
Accommodation: If you need a disability-related accommodation for a MassArt-sponsored event on campus, email Mercedes Evans at mercedes.evans@massart.edu at least two weeks prior to the program date.

More information at Brant Gallery at MassArt