
MOON CAPITAL Competition 2010an international design challenge

When considering the future of design let’s start looking out into space. WHAT IF we could occupy the Moon only 100 years after our first visit there in July of 1969? Might the Moon become an independent, self-sustaining, and sovereign state? If so WHY NOT start designing for that new world NOW?

THINK BEYOND what is familiar and envision design in DEEP SPACE.

“Fifty years after the creation of NASA, our goal is no longer just a destination to reach. Our goal is the capacity for people to work and learn and operate and live safely beyond the Earth for extended periods of time, ultimately in ways that are more SUSTAINABLE and even indefinite.”
President Barack Obama (15 April 2010)

On the way to Mars, the nations of our world will explore and demonstrate SOLUTIONS for living in deep space indefinitely, and for building colonies on other planets. Together, our governments and other commercial enterprises will also build on the Moon during this century with active research outposts, tourist destinations, and eventually new cities.

SHIFTboston seeks to expand the possibilities for the future of design by asking you to explore the concept of a moon habitat that will include both living and working in addition to collecting the most provocative visions for new Lunar possibilities. WE WANT YOU TO THINK BIG.

“The discovery of water gives a much bigger, potentially complicated picture for water on the moon than what was thought even just a few months ago. This is not your father’s Moon; this is not a dead planetary body, but one with a lot of dynamism in it.”
Michael Wargo, Chief Lunar Scientist for Exploration Systems
at NASA Headquarters

While we might be looking to Mars for long term civilization, the Moon is a resourceful body and a closer neighbor. The discovery of water fundamentally changed the practical VALUE of the Moon. After discovering where the water is, and how it is concentrated, we can also learn to collect it and use it to SUPPORT human life and to produce rocket propellant. It is time to consider the Moon as the next destination for human enterprise and designers should NOW be envisioning how it could work and what it might look like.

Overview of the Competition Brief

SHIFTboston called on all architects, artists, landscape architects, urban designers, industrial designers, planners, engineers, and anyone else who would like to propose a Lunar concept.

Competition Category 1: LET’S GET SERIOUS

Design a second generation living and working moon habitat. Written by Dr. Marc Cohen, a leader in the space architecture industry and a registered architect, the architectural program consists of four components: an above surface access unit, surface laboratories, an agricultural zone, and a core habitat located under the lunar surface. YOU WILL BE DESIGNING AN ACTUAL LUNAR BASE and will be contributing to advancements in design in the space architecture industry. There has never been an open competition such as this before. We are giving YOU the opportunity to learn more about designing for extreme environments and you will walk away understanding more than you ever have about our Moon and living in space.

Competition Category 2: LET’S HAVE FUN

“There are spaceships to build, Moon metals to mine, and energy resources to harness. Not to mention movies to make, low-gravity games to create, and advertising to sell. There’s every opportunity, from the more serious side of human behavior … to the more fun side of human behavior.“
Jeff Krukin, executive director of the Space Frontier Foundation

THINK: WHAT IF this could happen on the Moon? SHIFTboston seeks to collect visions that will re-imagine the Moon as a new destination. We want radical ideas for new lunar elements such as rovers, growing pods, inflatable structures, droids, clothing, and habitats. Envision an entire LUNAR CITY! How about a new Moon culture? What would it look like? Sound like? Envision having FUN on the moon with activities, fashion, and spacesuits!



The winning entry received a US$1,000 cash prize and presented at the MOON CAPITAL Forum at the Cyclorama in Boston, Massachusetts on Thursday, October 21, 2010. The winning entry was featured in a new virtual moon game featured at the MOON BALL. The winning and select submissions from the MOON CAPITAL Competition will be on public display at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas and the AIA National Headquarters in Washington DC. Details to follow. In addition, they will be promoted on the SHIFTboston blog, website and published in a new “Moon Independence” book.

Advisory Panel

Haym Benaroya, Professor at Rutgers Engineering Mechanical Aerospace
Studies random vibration and risk and reliability of space structures, models lunar base and space structures. Hosts symposium written books on lunar settlement.

Peter Chen, Astrophysicist with NASA
Studies lunar base protection and shielding.

Marc Cohen, Lead Human Systems Integration Engineer, Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems
His primary focus is on design research for the aerospace living and working environment for space habitats, space stations, lunar and planetary bases, as well as, human factors engineering design of space work stations, EVA airlock, and crew accommodations.

Michael Fox, Professor Department of Architecture at California State Polytechnic University

Dava Newman, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is most notable for assisting NASA in developing new space activity suits, namely the Bio-Suit.

Larry Toups, Habitat lead at the Lunar Surface Systems Project Office at NASA Johnson Space Center

Sponsors & Partners

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New England Chapter
Boston Society of Architects
Draper Laboratory
Google Lunar X PRIZE
Space Architecture Technical Committee

Special Thanks
NASA Johnson Space Center
Design Museum Boston